selected movies

Man and Wife (외계인이다)
Director 김현우
Cinematographer 조용규
Stereographer 김영노
Type Narrative
Country South Korea
Company 영화진흥위원회 한국영화아카데미
Category Short Film
Year of Production 2015

A married couple of ten years has lost the spark, and the husband seems to be having an affair.
Then one day, a suspicious woman asks his wife to meet, and a young and sexy girl in her twenties, Myo-ryung, shows up.
Myo-ryung asks the wife if her husband is binge drinking, growing a potbelly, losing hair and getting shorter and uglier.
The wife cannot deny that he isn’t so.
Then, Myo-ryung introduces herself as the FBI Special agent and drops the news that her husband is an alien.

Marriage Equality (Marriage Equality)
Director Celine Tricart
Stereographer Celine Tricart
Type other
Country United States
Company Lucid Dreams Productions
Category VR Movie
Year of Production 2015

“Marriage Equality VR” is a recreation of the events leading up to the US Supreme Court’s Decision regarding the legality of same-sex marriage. At the center of the debate was the 14th Amendment providing for due process and equal protection under the law for all Americans. The court ruled on the following question: Does the Fourteenth Amendment require a state to license a marriage between two people of the same sex?

“Marriage Equality VR” was shot in July 2015 for the company Nokia as a demo film for their new VR camera: The Nokia Ozo. The film was produced by 3ality Technica, in association with Gannett Company, Inc.

Mind The Gap (Mind The Gap)
Director Karel Bata
Cinematographer Karel Bata
Stereographer Karel Bata
Type Narrative
Country United Kingdom
Company Immersive Environments
Category Short Film
Year of Production 2016

What is this space that separates men and women? And how many people can you fit in there? Important questions that urgently need answers…

Created as part of Karel Bata’s MA in Stereo3D at Ravensbourne. An homage to the vastly influential Zbigniew Rybczýnski.

Miracle Land DMZ (기적의 땅 DMZ)
Director 민사연
Stereographer Min Sa Yeon
Type Documentary
Country South Korea
Company 한국HD방송㈜
Category Feature Film
Year of Production 2013

The DMZ, where the 38th parallel divides the peninsula into South and North Korea.
The DMZ is sad history of Korea. This documentary is Environmental Documentary about DMZ.
All unique life lives in DMZ. Let’s go to coexistence place with weapon and life.

Moon Glow (문글로우)
Director 장해랑
Stereographer Alaric Hamacher
Type Documentary
Country South Korea
Category Feature Film
Year of Production 2013

Living is all that matters.
They have overcome poverty, learned without teachers or sheet music, and performed in makeshift stages. Today, they keep track of the past while embracing the present.
Pianot ‘Shin Kwan-woong’,  Percussion ‘Ryu Bok-sung’, Vocal ‘Kim joon’, Saxophone ‘Kim soo-yeol’, Clarinet ‘Lee Dong-gi’, Trumpet ‘Choi sun-gae’, Drums ‘Lim Hyon-soo’
They make up the first generation Korea’s jazz players.
They have dedicated their entire lives to jazz, and while the jazz masters are reaching the age of 80, their passion for jazz has yet to die down.
They are still youths pursuing their dreams, and as part of those dreams, a performance featuring all of them on the same stage is about to begin.
Jazz changed their lives.
They have overcome much and come far to bring to us the jazz we know today. Despite their ordeals, they are very happy, and thanks to them, jazz in Korea is alive and well.

Moon Glow (문글로우)
Director 광운대학교 3D콘텐츠학과 1기
Stereographer blank
Type Documentary
Country South Korea
Category Short Film
Year of Production 2012

Living is all that matters.
They have overcome poverty, learned without teachers or sheet music, and performed in makeshift stages. Today, they keep track of the past while embracing the present.
Pianot ‘Shin Kwan-woong’,  Percussion ‘Ryu Bok-sung’, Vocal ‘Kim joon’, Saxophone ‘Kim soo-yeol’, Clarinet ‘Lee Dong-gi’, Trumpet ‘Choi sun-gae’, Drums ‘Lim Hyon-soo’
They make up the first generation Korea’s jazz players.
They have dedicated their entire lives to jazz, and while the jazz masters are reaching the age of 80, their passion for jazz has yet to die down.
They are still youths pursuing their dreams, and as part of those dreams, a performance featuring all of them on the same stage is about to begin.
Jazz changed their lives.
They have overcome much and come far to bring to us the jazz we know today. Despite their ordeals, they are very happy, and thanks to them, jazz in Korea is alive and well.

MYANMAR Ancient Mysteries Revealed / Bagan : Beyond the Great Kingdom (천불천탑의 신비 미얀마 / 버강, 위대한 왕국의 꿈)
Director 정재응
Cinematographer 김용상, 강승우
Stereographer 소현수
Type [:en]Documentary[:ko]다큐멘터리[:]
Country South Korea
Company EBS (Korea Educational Broadcasting System)
Category [:en]Feature Film[:ko]장편영화[:]
Year of Production 2015

It’s an almost unearthly sight. It doesn’t seem possible that these constructions could have been built by the hands of man. You will find these pagodas in Myanmar, upon the lakes, in caves deep within the mountains. The layers of stone that comprise them stand for a thousand years of the death and rebirth of the people, and of the mercy of the Buddha. Be they big or small, each and every pagoda is a manifestation of someone’s desire for enlightenment. And this desire, passed down from father to son and mother to daughter for generations, is still as strong today as ever.
The populace of this nation is 90% Buddhist, and for them praying before the Buddha is part of everyday life. This is Myanmar, the earthly home of the spirit of Buddha.

The origin of the Buddhist tradition can be found a thousand years back in history of Myanmar, with one great king. And then, ten years after he first took the throne, Anawrahta was to have a fateful encounter with a man who would shape not only his own life, but also the future of his kingdom. The man named Shin Arahan was a follower of Theravada Buddhism, and had come from Thaton in the south. And it was at that moment that Anawrahta, upon hearing his teachings for the first time, converted to Buddhism himself. The meeting of these two men presaged the change that was to sweep the entire Bagan nation.
To ensure the spread of the new Buddhism, what the king needed more than anything was a systematic new religious order. And ordination would be at the heart of it. From now on, anyone wishing to become a monk would have to undergo training, which meant being supervised by an official while learning the ways of mendicant monastic life. Chief Monk Arahan created a series of temples across the nation that dispensed such confirmation, and worked to systematize the methods and time frames for the induction and training process. In this way, a formal Buddhist council coalesced across Bagan.
Just as Buddhism was being spread at home, so too were wars of conquest being successfully carried out abroad. Anawrahta, an ambitious and excellent soldier, began subduing the outlying tribes with Kyansittha, his courageous general. With each successive foray, the pair gradually expanded the borders of the Bagan kingdom. Bagan was the earliest unified kingdom of Myanmar.
However, not everything was to go Anawrahta’s way.

In 1071, as the wars of unification were drawing to a close, General Kyansittha was returning home to Bagan after having successfully defended Bago from invading forces. As a token of gratitude for his help, the king of Bago sent his daughter Khin U to Anawrahta as a gift. It was Kyansittha’s sworn duty to escort her safely to king Anawrahta, but instead he fell in love with her.
He had been the king’s comrade all through the wars of unification, and was also his right arm. But he couldn’t forgive Kyansittha for coveting the woman who’d been promised to him. That day, Anawrahta lost his most trusted companion. And Kyansittha became banished from the kingdom of Bagan.
But then, in the year 1077, Anawrahta departed the earthly sphere. Upon his death, Anawrahta’s son, Sawlu, ascended the throne, but could not achieve peace in the kingdom. Just as the chaos seemed as though it would never end, Kyansittha returned from his exile to quell the rebellions. During the civil uprising, King Sawlu was killed, which meant that war hero Kyansittha became the third king of Bagan.
It had been 14 years since Kyansittha was banished from his homeland over a love that could not be. Even so, he did not blame Anawrahta for his actions. He had been reunited with his long-lost love, and stood to take over Anawrahta’s life work. Both Anawrahta and Kyansittha dreamed of turning Bagan into a Buddhist nation, and it seems that this is just what history demanded of them. As a new king, Kyansittha faced the task of bringing even greater stability and prosperity than his predecessor.

It is said that a new pagoda was finished every 10 days in the Bagan kingdom. During the time of the Bagan kingdom, a total of 4,500 pagodas were built. And if ever so many temples were constructed during the Bagan Era, then number of individuals involved becomes unfathomable. And it also ensured greater productivity than in other contemporary nations, where labor was extracted as a form of taxation. Thanks to the good high wages, Bagan managed to attract laborers and skilled artisans alike from near and far. As a result of the economic prosperity generated by pagoda construction, Bagan became one of the wealthiest kingdoms in history.
The people believed that everything took place under the watchful eye of the Buddha. The pagodas where the focal point of their entire lives. This was where they poured out their hopes and fears, and where they held their joyous festivals.
The pagodas that stud the fields of Old Bagan are no mere relics of the past. They are none other than the power that helped forge a kingdom, and the dream held by those who would create a Buddhist paradise on earth. These pagodas reached ever higher in accordance with the people’s desire to garner virtue, and they have endured a millennium of wishes for enlightenment.
To this day, they contain the spirit of the people who built them, and this spirit is a force which we would do well to carry with us into the future.

NANTA 3D (난타 3D)
Director 김 상 일
Stereographer KIM SANG IL
Type Narrative
Country South Korea
Company SBS
Category Feature Film
Year of Production 2012

While they are busy preparing the vegetables and organizing the kitchen, a bad tempered manager appears. He orders them to prepare food for a wedding by 6 o’clock in the afternoon. The cooks, who had not been told about this event, are caught completely off-guard. Not only that, the manager also brings his young nephew with him and demands that the cooks teach him how to cook and prepare food. The manager exits after barking out these seemingly impossible orders.
Although the cooks don’t like this clueless boy, they begin their works.. Peeling this here, chopping that there, and frying it over there, the whole kitchen rocks and rushes. While preparing for the reception, the boy and the cooks get closer, and the audience joins the show.
With their excellent cooperation, brilliant ideas and full performance, they finally have all the jobs done!
The wedding banquet draws to a successful conclusion.
A splendid party with ‘now four’ cooks and the manager! Their vigorous energy, overwhelming power and thrilling sound are all exploded at the finale. You can hardly resist rocking your body and the finale will long remain in your memory.

Director Till Hastreiter
Cinematographer Hans Jacobi, Dirk-Martin Heinzelmann
Stereographer Alaric Hamacher
Type Documentary
Country Germany
Category Short Film
Year of Production 2013

The Documentary describes religious live in Tibet.!
It tells the story of a young monk who is given a task by his Lama.!
On his way we follow him through the lively streets of tibet.

On a Long Breath (On a Long Breath)
Director Philippe Gerard
Stereographer 3DLized
Type [:en]Documentary[:ko]다큐멘터리[:]
Country United States
Company Stray Dogs
Category [:en]Feature Film[:ko]장편영화[:]
Year of Production 2015

Free-diving is a natural way to feel close to Nature and not just a contest to the get into the Guinness Book of World Records. Pierre Frolla’s impressive performances as a quadruple worldwide free-diving champion encourage audiences to discover his world through his character. Pierre Frolla’s way of life takes us on an adventure in harmony with the underwater world, in which we meet people that make their living from the sea. On a Long Breath is a poetic worldwide journey with a guide who is half-human half-fish.